The Mannequin

Trevor wore his loneliness like a cloak. It permeated his skin turning it grey, his eyes lifeless and staring. When Jenny died from the cancer that ate her alive, he thought he would die too. He took his last breath with hers. Lung’s bursting, he was forced to breathe again.

‘No, no, no … not my Jenny’.

Eventually the Hospice staff convinced him to leave.  He walked to the Tolstoy River bridge and stared at the black swirls below.  His tears dripped off his face and into the water. The icy wind pushed at him, encouraging him to jump, but he couldn’t. Jenny fought so hard for her life that he couldn’t throw his away.  His heart shattered, he made his way to the hushed, freezing apartment and fell shivering into bed.…


The Manticore awoke, stretching his muscular legs and yawning.  Licking the blood of yesterday’s meals off his claws, he felt his stomach grumble.  The huge lion-like body joined by a bulging neck to a human face belied the aggression in his heart. His strong tail curled making the venomous spines stand straight and 3 rows of sharp teeth completed the look. For the Manticore was a killer. Without mercy he would hunt and eat, never going without. 1000 pounds of bad attitude ensured that.

He left the cave, leaping to the top of the cliff and wandered into the forest.   Hearing a bleat, he thought a lamb would do nicely for breakfast.

His cat-like instinct made him pause behind a bush, listening. He could hear a man talking and laughing.  Although he feared nothing, he hesitated to attack man, they always fought back. Usually with a weapon which could inflict harm. He heard a strange sound, like a little human and realised that the man wasn’t alone.

The Ring Finds Its Home

Genre:  Fantasy


Cassiopeia’s estranged niece was given the job of clearing away her belongings. The boat was long gone and her Aunt’s life now fitted into 6 boxes.  Andrea went through everything feeling sad for her Aunt. She remembered her as somber but not unkind.  Her meanness started the day Uncle Brody left but Andrea never felt that it was a good excuse.

Andrea unlike Cass had a good heart and cared for others.

As she went through her jewelry box she found a beautifully engraved ring with 5 bright stones.

‘How lovely’ she exclaimed, putting the ring on and turning it so that a bright, white stone shined on top.

Andrea hadn’t stolen the ring, her Aunt had left it to her and because she was pure of heart the ring brought her happiness and light right to the end of her life.


The Yellow Stone

Genre: Thriller

Patsy knew taking Terry’s ring was a bad idea, but she couldn’t help herself. It called to her, it … it wanted her to take it, didn’t it? She couldn’t shake the feeling of dread in her bones. What if her mother gave it to her, or if it was a family heirloom? Patsy’s heart hammered in fear, but she was determined to keep it. …